Let's Get Aquainted

I am a young woman in love with literature and stories. I was brought up on Little House on the Prairie and Goosebumps. That should tell you something about my taste in books as well as speak to the general awesomeness of my mother, who would read both sets of books to me until I could read them myself.

Since earning my dual degree in English and Spanish from a private liberal arts college, I have pursued my passion for characters and good stories between time with my family and husband and time spent on my other hobbies of cooking, running, and traveling.

My second career aspiration as a child, after my archeology/anthropology obsession (which I openly admit, may not entirely be quenched), was to be an author. I think I would still like to write books for young adults some day. However, almost all of my favorite authors wrote their best pieces after becoming parents. With that observation in mind, I will, for the moment, be happy in the vocation of reader and reviewer. 

And for those who are curious, the nickname "imp" came from my father, who enjoys and shares my sometimes mischievous nature. I can promise that mischief, sarcasm, and cheekiness will enter this blog at several points, whenever the Imp in me feels restless.